I have a My Passport Ultra 1TB portable drive which has files backed up from my laptop(Windows 8.1). I Just got a new PC running Windows 10. I retrieved 450GB worth of files and none of them will open. These are all either mp3 or photo files. When I view the list of files on the WD My Passport they all appear to be crossed out as if they had been deleted(If I uncheck “show deleted files” all that remains is a bunch of empty folders), but they do transfer and show appropriate file sizes. They are just unable to be opened/played/viewed. I did not have the My Passport password protected. Please advise as to how to be able to open and view these files. Thank you.
I did find this http://community.wd.com/t5/WD-Portable-Drives/Access-Denied-on-file-retrieval/m-p/660519/highlight/true#M17874 but this requires doing this to every file individually which is impractical with thousands of files. Is there a way to batch fix this or change settings when backing up or retrieving?
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What happens when you try to open the files? Do you get an error message? Do you get a “permission denied” prompt? By “opening” the files I actually mean double-clicking them in Windows Explorer instead of using the WD SmartWare retrieval interface.