Quick guide for setting up remote access to transmission's web UI

I just finished setting this up and thought it might be useful for the community:

You need SSH access to the NAS. The first thing to do is to make sure your router is allowing connections on the 9091 port, which is the default port used by transmission. Then:

  1. Check (for example in https://www.canyouseeme.org/) that you cannot communicate with the NAS from the exterior through 9091;
  2. Wonder whether your ISP is just blocking this port, and realize it probably isn’t.
  3. Run netstat -tulpn | grep 9091 to see what’s going on - you should find out that the NAS is only listening to, i.e. the localhost.
  4. Now we need to change transmission’s settings: run ps aux | grep transmission to find processes associated to transmission, and you should find that there is a daemon running, connected to the configuration file in /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/Transmission/config/settings.json.
  5. Edit the file using vi /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/Transmission/config/settings.json, and change both “bind-address-ipv4” and “rpc-bind-address” to
  6. Restart the daemon pkill -HUP transmission-da.
  7. Check that the NAS is now listening on 9091 to every ip: tcp 0 0* LISTEN. Yay!
  8. Now you can connect from any external network using yourip:9091.

And that’s the memo.


Would appreciate if there’s a similar workaround for accessing dashboard remotely. Thanks

it was working on my machine according to you indication, thanks

thanks a lot!!!
now i can add trackers from my pc!
i think winscp is more easier for people to use than putty :slight_smile: