Problem with connecting to the Samsung q7 tv model

I have a problem logging into MyCloud using a Samsung qled7 Smart view TV. The TV sees the MyCloud device, but does not see the folders and files. Appealed to the Samsug Center, they said that the TV technically supports the above connection with MyCloud. I have a question! Does MyCloud support wifi connection with Samsung qled7 Smart view? If so, what could be the problem, and how to solve it?

The My Cloud is not a wifi enabled device. It is connected to a wifi router that handles the wifi.

One suggestion. Check the Twonky settings on the My Cloud (ex: http://wdmycloud:9000) and ensure the correct Media Receiver was selected for the TV/device under Sharing > Media Receivers.

It helps to read through the unofficial FAQ for Twonky as well.

@Andrius See the image below, the device highlighted in yellow is my Sony TV. As Bennor said, is your TV showing?

Have you read through your TV’s User Manual?

Thanks for the feedback! I tried different options, nothing helped. In the end, I had to reinstall the MyCloud system, resetting all my settings to the default settings. After reinstalling everything worked! I still do not understand the cause of the problem!? But the main thing is that everything works.