PR4100 failure

I’ve a PR4100 with 4 drives.

Last week it was failing with red lights and “drive failed in bay 1,2,3,4” on the display. A reset failed to make any difference [except resetting the name in Windows file manager as it started up]. I left it unplugged from power over the weekend. Attempting to restart it now fails - it stays off.

Is it likely the PR4100 has failed and the drives are fine, or is it likely that both the PR4100 and the drives have failed?

Has anyone had this and recovered?

Thanks a lot for your help. I have a couple of PR4100’s and switching a working one off and moving its power supply to the apparently faulty one worked. All I need to do now is purchase a replacement power supply. :smiley:

several laptop use the same type power supply and DC plug if you are having trouble finding one.

as always test with a volt meter : the plug and the voltage

there should be old topics on the power supple

( I have replaces 2 for my many NAS units power supplies over the years and all NAS unit are on UPS power )

Thanks. I needed to replace a power supply last year and it took me two goes then, so I was able to get one that works first time this time.