I have a My Cloud EX2 Ultra and I have ripped out several movies and they are above 1GB in size, as well as some TV episdes that are below 1GB. I have tried to watch them on my Apple TV, but the screen is black and it the wheel just keeps spinning. Looking at the forums it looks like it might have been the transcoder folder filling up. I created what I believe was a filepath that the transcoder could temporarily use and now I get an error stating that “Playback has been terminated by the server. Not enough space for conversion.” My server has plenty of space (6TB) but I do not know if I have the right path. I put in for example this:
When I attempt to play a video of less than 1GB then it works without issue. When I watch the video through my browser streaming from the server I have no issues. But the whole point of having the media server was so that I wouldn’t have to always be on my computer nor have it on to watch my media. Is this just a newbie mistake? For this to work do I need to have a computer on to do the transcoding?
Do I have the right filepath? Is there a setting that needs to be changed? Please advise.
Please contact WD Support Team https://support.wdc.com/support/case.aspx?lang=en and provide the my cloud device and Plex Logs so that we can also get Plex support involved. It would also be helpful if you could provide a screen shot of the video details in question from Plex.
The format would need to be something like:
Note the direction of the slashes and the like. It has to be the path as seen on the backend NAS OS itself and not what you connect to it as from a desktop or other device.
On my instance of Plex on a EX4100, I have this setting blank and not run into a problem. Is your NAS close to full ?
I was able to figure out the issue. In Plex to do a DirectPlay, which is their terminology for just a straight stream of a file, the video needs to be in a very specific format. Once I encoded the videos in the proper format I was able to get the videos to play. Plex’s support structure is not very user friendly and it was a Plex forum user that pointed me into the right direction.
Is there a link or the like available which specifies what the format of the files should be ? I actually have some myself which don’t transcode properly, so end up putting them on a USB key instead of streaming from Plex.