Hi there i have had my MYCLOD for well over 5 years and never had a problem using OS3. But now im struggling to even do the simple things in OS5. i cant view my pubic folder anymore via my TV or my SONOS system. I think it now has a password, but before updating i could view it without having to input a password. So how do i get my public folder pubic again and not require a password ?
Second thing i have noticed i have lots of grayed out areas for users. where i cant pick if they read only,write only or read and write.
Another problem, now photos folder is collecting imges from my music folder and displaying them in my photos folder. I DONT NEED OS5 DOING THIS. I want to remove all the images its collected.
And why is it taking so long indexing ? adding stuff like images i dont want.
So can anyone help me get my MYCLOUD working again. this OS5 is so over complicated.
i cant view my pubic folder anymore via my TV or my SONOS system. I think it now has a password
Ensure the Public Folder is set to Public and not Private and then set the Windows Protocol to SMB1,SMB2.SMB3 and then NTLMv1 and NTLMv2.
My Cloud OS 5: Sonos Library SMB Connection Error
My Cloud OS 5: Change Windows Samba (SMB) Protocol Version
Second thing i have noticed i have lots of grayed out areas for users. where i cant pick if they read only,write only or read and write.
That’s because all the Share is set to Public after updating to My Cloud OS 5.
The solution is to change the Shares from Public to Private and then you’ll be able to set the user permissions on the share
And why is it taking so long indexing ?
A new index must be created for any and all content that you wish to access using Web or Mobile App.
If you do not require Cloud Access, turn OFF Cloud Access at the Cloud Access tab.
You can also turn off “Mobile and Web Access” at the share level for the shares that you do not require access to.
My Cloud OS 5 Cloud Access Content Indexing FAQ
Best Practice for My Cloud OS 5 Cloud Access and Indexing
My Cloud OS 5: Indexing in Progress Message
Another problem, now photos folder is collecting imges from my music folder and displaying them in my photos folder.
I DONT NEED OS5 DOING THIS. I want to remove all the images its collected.
This happens because imanges from your music folder are images (IE: photos) and they will show up
in the photos tab. If you want to remove all the images, then you’ll need to physically delete all
the images from the My Cloud or turn off “Mobile & Web Access” at the Share level.
My Cloud OS 5: User Share Cloud Access and Indexing
My Cloud OS 5: Content Still Available or Cannot Delete in Photo and Video Tab