It is funny how a successful OS 3 install changes my perception of WD as a product; (the sound of a finger snap is heard) just like that.
So my I7 PC has been busy stedily copying files from Cloud to Cloud for the last 8 hours. However the copying process has stopped three times with a message that Drive Z: the Cloud with OS3 is not available, try again. Even though I can click on drive Z and view the various directories, the copy process refuses to continue with “Try Again”.
So I click on skip… and the copying process continues.
Now remember my other posts, the one " Symptoms of a Cloud going bad: Blame WD" where the DNS is pointing at shaw.
Well with my new Cloud with OS 3, I am using DHCP with the reserve IP coming from the router, thereby the default DNS is Shaw’s DNS. The other Cloud has the OpenDNS ips and has no problems at all but apparently Shaw’s DNS will go down occasionally and that is when my copying gets interrupted.
I noticed this problem when I first bought my Cloud in 2014, at that time I just thought it was a hiccup with Windows 7 so I just use teracopy. The problem also occured when my PC was a server, I would copy files from my Mac to my pc and all of a sudden it would stop.
So now I know all about problematic DNS’es as they can cause tiny disconnects that interrupts copying making it look like a fault with the Cloud.