still no poweroff and no sleep problem mentioned ?
You’re asking them to respond to customer feedback…? [splutters]
Well done for getting in before the thread was locked…
Still…no Power-Off / Shutdown in menu dashboard
just curious, why they hide the menu?
Don’t think WD has ever responded to that question the many times its been asked/pointed out. The missing shutdown in the Dashboard has been an issue from the initial release of the v2.x My Cloud firmware in spite of being mentioned at least twice in the v2.x My Cloud User Manual.
They keep it that way to keep some activity on this forum
Here is a preview of the 2017 updates:
- Fix the blinking frequency when in sleep mode. Light “off” time is now equal to light “on” time.
- Enable web access from a Nokia 3310 and USR Palm Pilot (Palm OS 1.9 only)
- Fixing issue while accessing My Cloud from a Palm Pilot III C
- Revert back the blinking light frequency introduced with v2.22.417
- Hard drive head vibrations will now play “Imperial March” from Star Wars during system boot
- Remove Imperial March due to copyright infringement.
- Set dashboard webpage background color to black
After the FW update (2.21.126) my DL2100 wakes up from sleeping constantly. It doing it 24h/day. Not funny at nights!
What did you change and how to fix it?
After this “update” I´m loosing connectivity twice a day, no (more) Time machine backups, and large copy operations result in a “Bye bye” from the device. I wonder if there is any chance to get this drive (WD EX 4100) working.
my macbook pro (2016/osx 10.12.2) looses mapped drives constantly, have to manually add them again and again in Finder. Finder cannot connect to the wd nas, it says connection error - but im able to map shares… now trying automator…
i turned off AFP from the nas. i dont even try to get time machine to work…
Same problem, also the new MB Pro. BTW: Absolutely no problems with my second NAS (Synology).
Blah! Cannot browse all content (e.g. photos) now when the AFP is turned off Had to turn it back on.
I gave up on this years ago, I just leave it on 24/7. its probably better for the HD anyways
You are in the wrong subforum. This subforum (My Cloud) is generally for the single bay/single hard drive My Cloud. See the dedicated DL subforum where there may be an answer to the sleep issue for that specific model.
This subforum (My Cloud) is generally for the single bay/single hard drive My Cloud units. You may have better luck with your issue in the dedicated EX subforum.
Thank you for this hint - I must have overseen something…
Sorry, it was a tiny moment of the impulse to hope that wdstaff would actually follow a thead they started here. As you probably saw, they didnt bother to announce this firmware update to that specific subforum.
Since this update we loose the connection to the device multiple times a day. Also the device crash, the /tmp folder became full and web interface stop working, we have no choice to SSH and reboot the device…
We use this for backup and this is very annoying.
This is something the is urgent to correct.
How do I get the previous firmware version?
If one does a forum search (magnifying glass icon upper right) for “previous firmware” They’d find a discussion or two that mention the following thread: