New Firmware Release - Firmware Version 1.04.10_B for WD TV Live Plus (11/22/10)

WD is happy to announce our latest firmware update for the WD TV Live Plus Media Player.  

Note:  The manual download should be available, soon.

Hmmm I think I got version B not V so i’ll post this here:

Link provided that says “WD TV Live Product Update” says the release notes are for 1.03.49 dated 11/16/10??

Also…could you direct me to the “Issues with this update” link. Just fired up the WD TV to watch some .mkv files and now it’s saying “media type if not supported”!!! WWWWHHHHHAAAAAA???

edit: UGH! I did a factory reset and then upgraded, then it started working…sort of

The time it takes to cache a file is RE DONK U LESS

I have a 5.6GB MKV file that is only 720p…and it’s been caching for way too long…just wish there was a buffer % so you could see how it’s progressing. 

Like the new interface, but have yet to try any of the other changes…was looking forward to sitting in the living room watching some WDTV, but guess i’ll have to watch them on the PC tonight  :(

Wow.  Would ya look at that!   An older product gets the update before the newest!   :) 

And Good News:

The Live Essentials 2011


Live ID Sign-In Assistant

bug on Windows 7 is FIXED!


Was experiencing problems with streaming video, video was so slow it looked like a slideshow, I reset the device to factory defaults in the setup options like it was suggested in other posts, and it seems to have fixed the issue…

will update if i run into any more problems

I just upgraded to this version. Now my netflix videos are in 4x3 format (it is set to widescreen in the settings). everything looks skinny. Please fix! Netflix was the main reason to buy this box and now it is not watchable!

after resetting to factory default, setting up my config again to what I had before and resetting my router…movies files are playing fine…still issues with netflix though

Upgraded to 1.04.10 via wireless connection.

Menu selection seems faster.

My ISOs and AVIs all seem to play fine.

Network shares is working without problems.

Still shows thumbnail JPGs and video files in duplicate.

New apps are a great addition.

Accuweather found my city without problems and gives a quick response.

Had one reboot while trying to watch a Facebook video.

At first I thought my Netflix and Youtube were gone, then I found the icons were moved to Internet Content

Watching a Netflix movie now, no problems that I can see.

Great upgrade. The WD team is wonderful.

I know this isn’t the Ideas Lab but here is my wishlist… Open API for apps, webcam support (like the Logitech Revue Google TV), USB hub support, simple web browsing


Broke MKV files. I either get file not supported or the screen just goes black.

On the bright side seems to have fixed connection issues to my NAS. to bad I cant watch any of my videos now.

Restored factory settings like I saw some sugjest. same issue.

I can’t access My Playon Server since the firmware 1.04.10_B update. Can anyone help me? Can I revert to the older version. I’m not willing to give up HULU for a few extra internet sites. It logs onto the Playon Server, but then just show the My Documents folder on my media PC.   HELP !  Was this update done expressly to knock out Playon access in preparation for the HuluPlus update?

Yeah, PlayOn is definately broken on the Live / Live+.   It works (with a workaround) on the HUB, but there’s no workaround for the Live / Live+ that I know about yet.

I doubt it was intentional;  either they made some changes to the DLNA code for support of the new services that accidentally broke PlayOn, or it’s possible the problem is with PlayOn software.  

But, I imagine it will be fixed.  

Knocking out PlayOn in favor of Hulu would be silly, IMHO… :slight_smile:

I tried contacting PlayOn twice; I never received a response from them.  It’s been almost a month…

“Knocking out PlayOn in favor of Hulu would be silly, IMHO… :smiley:”

I don’t know…Hulu has been very powerful in controlling just how they are seen - example, the Roku , Kylo, and others. They could have forced WD to kill the access to get end users to ultimately cough up the $7.99 a month for the impending WD Live Hulu Plus channel. Regular Hulu will never be seen as a channel on the WD Live TV Plus, only through a media server like Playon… I smell a rat…:angry:

JHeaven wrote:

“Knocking out PlayOn in favor of Hulu would be silly, IMHO… :smiley:”


I don’t know…Hulu has been very powerful in controlling just how they are seen - example, the Roku , Kylo, and others. They could have forced WD to kill the access to get end users to ultimately cough up the $7.99 a month for the impending WD Live Hulu Plus channel. Regular Hulu will never be seen as a channel on the WD Live TV Plus, only through a media server like Playon… I smell a rat…:angry:

Well, I guess it’s possible, but they’d have been better off Killing Hulu VIA PlayOn.

I would also argue that PlayOn developers could then go to the DLNA consortium and demand the revocation of WD’s certification since it’s not working within spec. :wink:

I guess we are all noticing the broken Playon by the new 1.04.10 update. Just to be sure it was the update I downgraded to 1.03.49 and then upgraded once again to 1.04.10 and sure enough it broke Playon again. I am using the latest version of Playon which is so it has to be the new upgrade to the WD Live TV firmware.

Fortunately the older version, 1.03.49 is still working with Playon so I guess that is where mine will be until there is a fix or a solution.



I’ve tried to view a pictures - resolution was awfully low…

I see the PlayOn selection under Media Players, but when I open it, is shows my shared drives , not the as media player!! 

It should be a minor fix.  :smiley:

You probably have configured PlayOn to also stream your local content.

Oh… also, Accuweater is showing me that I am in Irvine, CA, I am in San Diego, CA… does anyone how can I change it?

Yeah, click the “CHANGE LOCATION” text.

“You probably have configured PlayOn to also stream your local content.”

Thanks, that is correct.  I think on the previous version, that was being shown under network share, not under media