Network connection

This was driving me crazy having to reset the network password everytime I turned it on looking for a Windows network share?

Gaza1 has solved the problem. Go to newtorking, assign a permanent  IP and it’s fixed. In my case it was logging in as So I changed the final 8 to 88. Done simple, problem solved. I was ready to throw it in the trash. Thank you.

I got fixed IP and that don’t help for me, i can’t acces the shared folders always, only sometimes, just a expensive brick near the TV.

Nothing wrong with the WD TV it still has to be in your setting somewhere.

Check your share permissions. Remember not just the folder but the drive 

must also be shared!

Good Luck…

mpgalloway wrote:

Nothing wrong with the WD TV it still has to be in your setting somewhere.

Check your share permissions. Remember not just the folder but the drive 

must also be shared!


Good Luck…



IF it was my fault, it will fail always, but i set the network info, i enter and explore all the shared folders, next time i start wd tv , i’m unable to to see any of the shared folders if i use the media library, without it, no problem, but exploration is a pain, slow as  snail when changing pages, i’m not the only one with problem, that why is ask if they test the devices before release to the public, is not fair to 89€ for something that dont work as should or as they advertise!

I got fixed IP on it!

Thanks for nothing

The FIX lasted 24 hours.

Turned on my WD TV last night and once again it has lost the network connection.

After a reboot had to manualy discover Windows shares again before I could use it?

I guess I spoke to soon.

WD needs to address this problem immediatley!


HAve you guys already checked this?

Techflaws wrote:

HAve you guys already checked this?

Maybe you got the reason, but in my others media players i got(prodigy and ASUS O!Play HDP-R1 ) i use the same login details, and everytime i power on, network is working perfectly, then , why WD TV don’t work?, is my fault?, no, then?, the method you says is not for newbies, at last i’m lost sometimes, also is not in windows!

Thanks to try to help us, but WD must  fix that as soon is possible!

Have you tried turning off the media library functionality, deleting all Windows shares, and reconnecting your sources?

Also check this page for help: I have had 48 hours with no problems so far :slight_smile:,-live

BGood2 wrote:
Have you tried turning off the media library functionality, deleting all Windows shares, and reconnecting your sources?

Hi, so many times, that why i say i’m tired, at last enabled and disabled  media library and windows shares 3 times,well, not exACTLY windows shares, i use a synology nas.

And if it will  work without library more or  less fine, i will be happy, but it make pauses when exploring nas folders every 3/4 pages of around 5/8 seconds, i know that nas has a lot of files, but the others players don’t give me any problem when exploring, just the new WD TV, new in name with 2012 or older hardware, just incredible that they sell it in that way.

Thanks for your help

mpgalloway wrote:

Also check this page for help: I have had 48 hours with no problems so far :slight_smile:,-live

That don’t apply to me, my shared device is a synology NAS.


I have a Synology NAS also. With the media library on, not only does the box lose access to the NAS, but also it refuses to accept the correct “Windows” password. And it does this several times per week!

If I leave off the media library, it loses the NAS less often, and usually lets me select it again and reconnect without going thru the whole “forget all passwords” goat rope.

I can tolerate it with the media library off, but with it on it’s truly a [Deleted]!

I’m glad I don’t need to use it much. I certainly won’t recommend it to anyone!

My apologies for my “disrespectful” term for this product. I should have “with the media library on, I would no longer try to use the product.”

That’s funny. I have been using my WD with a Synology NAS model 207+ for many weeks.

I am only having network problems since I decided to upgrade. I built a new server based on Windows 7 using a ThinkServer- PC.

WD TV always worked with my Synology execpt sometimes after a power failure, then I would usually have to

reset everything!  However as I recall there was a learning curve setting up my  Synology. Permissions, users, and shares

took forever before I got it working correctly!

I should have stayed with the Synology :frowning:

well went ok for  a while then **bleep** again asking for password again… I put blank in for username  and blank in for password  and it would not except that so I turned mains power of on wd box restarted Pc then turned box on again .

This time it did not ask for password but I had to go and reshare the media library by clicking on the file then go and click on and file to media  then it worked.

this is a joke I sent reply to WD as they sent me an email asking for settings and details but still no reply from them…

It’s not just you it has been doing the same thing for me.

The WD can’t find a Windows share after it sits inactive

for awhile.

This is not a setting in Windows. It is in the WD software

network “stay alive” connection.

WD please fix this.

So if you turn off the WDTV, you don’t encounter this at all?

I have noticed that I am using a very old router.

I ordered a new router today that supports DLNA

and Gigabyte download speed from Netgear.

Maybe that will change or fix things. Well see?

When in doubt throw more money at the problem :slight_smile:

if it asks for password  & username and you put blank in cos the pc don’t have one and when you click on enter it says no user so I turn the mains of 4 about 5 minutes then turn back on and most of the time once it starts up ok then I just go into files click on the file I want to share share it to the network and it works fine…

its as if these units loose there memory if not used every day or if the power if turned off…

I had to reset it Friday night and so far so good but I have had it on everyday and Sunday twice on and everytime went ok…

Its as these units loose there memory and settings

That is exactly correct. When the WD is powered off for a day, next time

it wants the Share path all over again.