Every day I seem to fight longer and longer with my WDBHG70000NBK-HESN in order to get it to work. As soon as I turn it on, it tells me that the previously selected content source has been disconnected and would I like to find a new one.
So I go through the motion and search for my network again, but it never finds it. It sets on the spinning arrow screen and I just wait. After about 5 minutes, I have to unplug everything and then start reconnecting all the wires again. Sometimes this works, most of the time it will not.
I waste about 1.5 hours every single night just trying to get this piece of junk to work.
I cannot believe that Western Digital would put out such a faulty product. Does anybody else have this problem? I have applied every update available since I bought this box less than a month ago. I am at a total loss and would like to know if anyone actually has one of these machines that works.
I have tried two different routers, wireless and wired, neither seems to make a difference. And when it does actually work, the MP4 and MKV files will hang throughout playback. AVI’s seem to work ok as long as I don’t watch too many in a row.
well if you’re spending 1.5 hrs each night trying to get it to work, you’re definetely doing something wrong
the issues you described are definetely not the norm
now that said, others have encourtered these types of issues
I recommend fixing one issue at a time
and starting with the network connection issues
while you don’t provide enough info to really know for sure
I’m going to guess that you have a problem on your network with the master browser and are using smb shares to access your media
everytime a device comes on the network a master browser election happens, and if the master browser changes you will need to reconnect to your smb shares, this is a inherent problem with the MS implementation of smb shares
most people are able to solve this by keeping a dedicated PC powered on for sharing content, or many newer routers have the ability to force the router to always be the master browser
hopefully, that will get you started in the right direction
Every day I seem to fight longer and longer with my WDBHG70000NBK-HESN in order to get it to work. As soon as I turn it on, it tells me that the previously selected content source has been disconnected and would I like to find a new one.
So I go through the motion and search for my network again, but it never finds it. It sets on the spinning arrow screen and I just wait. After about 5 minutes, I have to unplug everything and then start reconnecting all the wires again. Sometimes this works, most of the time it will not.
I waste about 1.5 hours every single night just trying to get this piece of junk to work.
I cannot believe that Western Digital would put out such a faulty product. Does anybody else have this problem? I have applied every update available since I bought this box less than a month ago. I am at a total loss and would like to know if anyone actually has one of these machines that works.
I have tried two different routers, wireless and wired, neither seems to make a difference. And when it does actually work, the MP4 and MKV files will hang throughout playback. AVI’s seem to work ok as long as I don’t watch too many in a row.
This product certainly has its issues. My advice:
if you have the latest firmware, 2.02.32, down grade. This forum is littered with people complaining about it, specifically mentioning a loss of networking.
2) Read the How to resolve “Network shares” access problems with WDTV media players article. Pretty basic stuff, but you should check the basic/networking 101 stuff just to be safe.
Search the forums for “master browser”. This is really the fix that works for most people. The WDTV networking is defective from a master browser perspective, has been that way since the day it came out so I would not expect a fix anytime soon (aka NEVER). What most people do is make registry changes or if you have a router that supports being the master browser do that, that is the quick fix. Unfortunately many routers won’t do that so check your router to see if it can and search these forums for the registry changes needed if it won’t. IMHO by far the biggest defect with this product.
All of this is so confusing. I have a Windows Vista machine, a Linksys Cisco Wireless N WRT160N v3 Router. I have tried following all of the advice here, but now my headache is even worse… I couldn’t figure out if my router was able to be set as the master browser. I logged into it and saw nothing that said anything of the sort.
But saw no improvement… Was I supposed to set it to YES? I read that in a different post, but it didn’t help so I just left it to AUTO. I was able to watch a few shows in a row but then it started acting up again and I haven’t been able to get it to see my Network Shares since.
As you can see, images can be uploaded here, files on sendspace.com for example.
ndjamena wrote:
I know the Opening Title from Astro Boy brings the WDTV Live to it’s knees and I MIGHT be able to recreate a file that acomplishes just that.
There’s several test files available for that already, google for clips with jelly fish or birds which go from 20 to 120 Mbps. The WD stutters at constant bitrates of ~50-60 Mbps but has no issues at peaks like in the US version of Avatar. I’m talking playback over network shares (wired) here.
I realize it’s probably bad form to make my very first post here be a criticism of others, but frankly I find it really obnoxious the way this topic has been allowed to be hijacked. I started reading this topic because I share a similar frustration as the OP. And while I’m grateful for the advice about the Master Browser and fixed IP addresses and registry changes, I do not appreciate a bunch of irrelevant discussion about uploading faulty MP4s and the wonders of Bitrate Viewer. What the …??