MyCloud with blue LED flashing fast - reset button not working

Hi to all

I have the blue light flashing fast, and cannot access it via network and also not via direct ethernet connection. I have read around, it is doing something related to file checking. I waited 7 days, then I tried to reset. Reset (both 4 and 40 s method) do not work (i.e. I push button and nothing happens, LED continues flashing. I started connecting and disconnecting power, different options, nothing.
So I opened (its out of warranty), I was able to check the data (I recovered all data). I tried also to start without HD connected, connect when on, disconnect when on etc etc but I am still with blue light flashing.

I would revert to factory settings (deleting everything, reinstalling all software) - but dont understand how to do it.

I can only scrap it (its 30 months old… and was working fine…). Any hint?


@chranto A My Cloud Home does not have a front blue LED. Are you sure this is what you own?

sorry… I have a MyCloud. I think I posted to the wrong section…