Hello !
I’m currently trying to connect my computer the my Mycloud miror via WebDAV protocol, and I’m meeting some difficulties.
Note that the ftp connexion works fine.
I folowed the following instruction to setup the Mycloud mirror:
I then configured port formwarding in my routeur
<img src=“//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wd/original/3X/6/6/66aff61b13ccef3080a856228b6d1d21861f15fe.png” width="690"height=“61”>
Finnaly I tried to open a connexion
<img src=“//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wd/original/3X/4/0/40ee7607a30b5256569816dba16fc45a8b7c8053.png"width="578"height="447”>
But was not able to.
Did I missed something in the configuration ? Do you have a clue of what can be the case of my problems ?
Thanks you !