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Hi, I am able to connect my passport to my home network wireless. I am also able to see my device on my samsung tv. I can go through all my files on my wd external hdthrough the tv but when i try and watch a movie it starts, pauses a lot and normally stops and shuts down and restarts my wd.
I didnt have this issue at the beginning.
When using my wireless wd with my iphone or ipad i dont have any issues.
I cant seem to find an answer for this problem
Can somebody help me with this.
It could be a battery issue. Have you tried keeping the drive plugged in using the provided power adapter? It will keep the battery charging while keeping it on WiFi.
Doing this is no different than when I stream video from my MPW to my iPad, wirelessly.
First of all, when your MPW is connected to your home network (and for best results it should be this way), be sure your MPW is close ( just a few feet away from) your router. This ensures best connection). If your TV is wired to network great, or if you can connect its wireless to a GOOD 5G signal, chose it over 2.4G. This gives you better speed on TV receiving wireless network signal No matter what, you need a good and speedy connection for best results. Weak wireless connections just can’t cut it.
I had this problem with 4-5 mkv files. Playback stoped always at the same point, that’s true. If it is random, it could be related to a conection problem. They can be watched in desktop and mobile phone without any problem, but not by LG TV. I checked the integrity and these files had consistency errors. I looked for another versions: same audio / video codecs, same resolution and image size, and they worked. MPW and TV with the same network configuration and physical location, so no important connection improvement.