My Home Cloud breaks down my LAN and the internet connection

Hi everyone,
since I installed my one-week brand new My Cloud Home I am experiencing internet connection interruptions.
Firstly the drive is not always reachable. Sometimes I can see the public directory, others the private directories, never both of them, if I want to connect the TimeMachine features for my Mac I have to make the connection straight every time.
Then, and this is the worst, it used to kick other devices out of the LAN. Whatever they are wireless or wired: smartphone, PlayStation, smart tv, laptop. I wasted hours to make tests and definitely when I disconnect its cable, I stopped having issues. No doubts about MyCloud Home is causing this problem.
I even mapped the internal IP in order to handle it better, but it does not sort it out.
I can have more than 15 devices connected, with no troubles so far, among windows 10, iOS Mac, Android, PlayStation, and I am using a NetGear R6020 router, which has always worked fantastically.

In addition, let’s say also that the software to set the MyCloud is very poor rather than other similar devices, and you cannot change its settings.

Is there anyone who can help me out? I am almost making the decision to give it back and to buy something different.

Thanks in advance.


I can only say get rid of it. I’ve had one for years and am totally fed up with it. It is slow, decides when or it it’s going to communicate, I haven’t been able to update the firmware since it originally kept on just failing (no solution from support) and now it won’t talk to the internet. Overall I have found it extremely frustrating. I’m thinking of taking the disks out and re-using them elsewhere now.

Thanks for your comment, and yes, I am already doing this, I am returning it and I will be refunded.

Now I am looking for a stable alternative.

I should ask WD to reimburse my time wasted because of all the issues this device caused.
