My Cloud "No internet access" but test via ssh internet normal

Hi all,

My WD My cloud web UI show “no internet access” in Settings - Network
But if I ssh and try to ping/curl it can access internet properly.

Anyone have suggestion why the web UI said “no internet access”?
fyi I use static IP, changing it to DHCP still the UI said no internet access.

Thank you

Do you have “Cloud Access” turned on in the Dashboard?
Have you setup a account?

Yes, I have cloud access on.
I have use it for 6 months and it’s ok.
I just switched ISP, before my ISP have dynamic public IP but now my ISP doesn’t give any public IP (I behind router so I cannot port forwarding). Not sure how this impact.
My WD still able to email me about restart, so it’s really weird it said no internet access

Are you on U-Verse … if so you can do a forum search for people that have had issues with the My Cloud and U-Verse.

Can you set a IP address for your My Cloud within the router to assign a permanent IP for the My Cloud? Then leave the My Cloud on DHCP.

It seems that if your My Cloud can still send you an email then it has internet capabilities. Have you changed the login or password?

Are you trying to get to the My Cloud via a DNS address? or are you using the to access your device?

More information would be helpful :wink:

No I’m not on U-Verse.

I’ve tried DHCP it still show no internet access. And it should have because like you mention it can send email and I can ping when ssh to the My Cloud.

I just tried login to and it can display the My Cloud files, strange because the web UI show there’s no internet access on settings - cloud access :expressionless:

This probably web UI display bug only.

Try “Turning Off” and then “Turn On” cloud access and see if the UI displays the proper setting.