My Cloud Mirror port fowarding with Airport Express/Airport Utility V7x

Hello everyone,

I’m having problems setting the port fowarding on my My Cloud Mirror and my Airport Express/Airport Utility V7x. As of now, the connection status in the Cloud Acces area says conncected and that port fowarding connection is established but when I go to the network area and check the port fowarding options that I set, the says that the port fowarding status failed for port 80 and 443, the ones it automaticly assigns and for which I have set up myAirport Express fowarding.

I have been searching for a way to set it up, but had no luck. Pleaes healp or direct me someweher I can finally do this.


Welcome to the Community.

What if you remove the UDP ports and only enable TCP ports?


Hello Trances, thanks for the response.

I have eliminated the UDP Ports and have enabled only the TCP ports in the  Aiport utility. Also I created a DHCP reservation for the MCM HD. Should I remove this too?

The Cloud acces status still says “Port Fowarding connection established”.

I have tried to connect outside my network using the designated ip address for the My Cloud Dashboard but it wont let me.

Please help.


If you have setup ports 80 and 443 for use by the cloud service configuration AND you have setup 80 and 443 to be forwarded to your WD Mirror in your Airport Extreme then you should not setup the forward under network services on the WD MIrror. (This would be a duplicate forward)

The port forward configuration located in the GUI of your WD Mirror NAS is for setting up your routers port forwards via UPNP.  (For those that do not know how to manually configure their routers)

If you still cant gain access from outside your network it is propbable that your ISP is blocking port 80 and or 443 and you will need to select another set of ports.  I suggest 8085 and 8445.  If you do this dont forget to go into the cloud configuration and manually set 8085 and 8445 there as well.

This is my response to another user in the EX2 forum;

You should NOT forward the ports in both the EX2 and the router.  Its also possible that your ISP is blocking port 80, a lot of them do.  So here is what I would do;

1.- I would setup the EX2 to use DHCP for its IP address.

2.- I would then go to my router and RESERVE the IP address for my EX2 based on its MACID.  (This way the DHCP server is fully aware of the IP address of the EX2.  Even though if the router is working properly this shouldnt matter, I have seen it make a difference.)  You should reboot the EX2 after doing this and confirm its IP address matches the reservation set in the router…

3.- I would go into the EX2 and setup the Cloud access manually to use ports 8081 and 8443.

4.- I would then go into the EX2 network config to manually add port forwards for 8081 and 8443 , naming them Cloud and Cloud1.

5.- I would then go into my router and remove any manual port forwards I have assigned.

6.- I would also go into the router and confirm UPNP is enabled , and that the newly assigned ports show up.

7.- Confirm that when you enable cloud access it says “Connected”.  When you manually configure the ports it will probably say relay connection established.  This is OK.  We just want to confirm the EX2 has connected to the WD servers.

8.-  IF the newly assigned ports show up in the UPNP routing table and the EX2 confirms it is connected, I would then attempt to access the EX2 from outside my network.  (Try using your cell phones hotspot feature if you have it.) 

9.- IF I could not confirm UPNP functionality then I would manually configure the port forwards in my router and remove the port forwards I added in the EX2 network config.  Then re-confirm that the cloud shows “Connected” and test again from outside.

If this works then my last test would be to first reboot the router, then after the router is back online reboot the EX2, then test outside access again.

One more thing.

In helping the other user it was apparant that his router was rebooting from tim to time.  This will cause problems with port forwards and IP assignments.  With that in mind I would change my tutorial from the previous post to say that I would assign a STATIC IP to the WD Mirror (Make sure it is outside your DHCP servers address range) and I would manually configure the port forwards on the router only and not use UPNP via the WD Mirror Network config at all.

Ok, let me see if I got this. Ports 80 and 443 have already been set and I have access to the drive thru the WD App in my iphone, ipad and laptop. If the port forwarding message in the dashboard is correct, any upload I do outside of my network should be routed thru these ports and strait to my cloud drive and the uploads should no longer be relayed?.

If all that is correctand and I want to access the dashboard with the cloud drive IP address on a computer out of my network, I have to set new port fowarding like you mentioned examples 8085 and 8445?


elandrue wrote:

Ok, let me see if I got this. Ports 80 and 443 have already been set and I have access to the drive thru the WD App in my iphone, ipad and laptop. If the port forwarding message in the dashboard is correct, any upload I do outside of my network should be routed thru these ports and strait to my cloud drive and the uploads should no longer be relayed?.


If all that is correctand and I want to access the dashboard with the cloud drive IP address on a computer out of my network, I have to set new port fowarding like you mentioned examples 8085 and 8445?



Well lets make sure we are on the same page.  Have you tried to acces the drive with your Iphone, Ipad and laptop while outside your home network?  If you have and it works then your ISP is not blocking the default ports of 80 and 443 and you dont need to setup alternate ports.

Yes, I can access the drive with the WD app when I’m outside my house after the setup recommended here. Now I’m trying to access the dashboard(page where you set up shares and users)  outside my network. For this access, do I need to setup alternate ports?I would like to access the dashboard when I’m outside my network.


elandrue wrote:

Yes, I can access the drive with the WD app when I’m outside my house after the setup recommended here. Now I’m trying to access the dashboard(page where you set up shares and users)  outside my network. For this access, do I need to setup alternate ports?I would like to access the dashboard when I’m outside my network.



Did you go into the UI and turn Dashboard access on? 

No, were I do that in My Cloud Mirror?


elandrue wrote:

No, were I do that in My Cloud Mirror?



Yes.  In the GUI of the WD My Cloud Mirror.

I got the Dashboard access on, but still it wont let me in the dashboard when I’m outside my network like at school. Ports 80 and 443 have been set up already.
