My cloud home not updating its firmware

I am getting mails about that i need to update my my cloud home firmware before june but i dont know how i tried what i could find on Google and on this site like restarting it etc but nothing works and now i cant see the content on it with my phone app. What should I do?

Ps im still running 6.1.0-119

Do you leave your My Cloud Home on 24/7 so it can update?

Yes its on and connected 24/7.

And how does it fix the update problem your article?

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The possible causes of a My Cloud Home being offline are:


  • Network connections issues can often be resolved with a reboot of the router, followed by a reboot of the My Cloud Home
  • Faulty network cable or router port
  • Not using a Gigabit but a 10/100 network router
  • Router, Hub or Switch between the Internet facing router and the My Cloud Home
  • Insufficient amount of available IP addresses from the DHCP pool
  • Router Security feature blocking local queries, filtering or block incoming network traffic (ports 443,8443,40000-49999)
  • ISP filtering or blocking network traffic (ports 443,8443,40000-49999)
  • Unstable or congested network
  • VPN access being used causing network connection issues

WD MCH updating server service is definitely working between Mar 6, 2021 and currently. I didn’t even notice that one of my MCH in a remote site has received the update. That particular site has Comcast ISP service using a Netgear cable modem and Asus router with port forwarding enabled for traffic at ports 443, 8443, 40000-49999. If you know how to enable that, it will go a long way towards updating your MCH. However, that doesn’t mean there couldn’t be something else defective with your MCH.

But its connected i can reach it true my computer. But not on my phone. And its not updating.

I don’t work here Mikael, I just read the forum a little more carefully than most members here, but I can tell that you are probably not in the USA and your MCH is in Relay mode which may delay and/or prevent the unit from being updated. You will probably need to fix that by reading the link above and set up your router and network properly. The alternative is to bring the MCH to a co-worker or friend who has a more direct internet connection which will allow port forwarding to work and let you update your firmware.

Ok well im thankful for any help i can get. I have setup the router and opened the ports you mentioned. Nothing seems to help.

Sometimes you need to reboot the MCH to trigger the update.

But i have already done that and rebooted the router.

Ok now im confused. What should i do? if port forwarding is not recommended which also did not work. Can wd remot control it and fix the update part?

Wow wd support is usless or just a bot. who is programmed to repeat usless stuff.

Port forwarding of the MCH is pretty safe because only the KDDFS, the file system that has to be mounted in the OS to access the online share partition of the MCH, after authentication with the WD server which then allows each file operation to take place. This authentication also slows down the file system operations, hence all the complaints about slow throughput copying and deleting small files to the online shared partition.

It is more likely that your password and identity could be hacked before hackers could succeed in hacking through the opened ports.

I have the same issue of the firmware not updating.
I’ve rebooted the unit via unplugging and the app. No luck.
I’ve backed up the data, did a full erase to restore unit to factory default. No luck.
Did online Chat with WD. After going through everything l did, as recommended by WD, all they could come up with was, unplug the unit, find another network to plug it into and hopefully that works, NOT IMPRESSED.

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WD support is really bad. Their mails feel like automated answers and not like a person writing them. And now they removed my post here where i posted their mails to me. They told me the firmware will be updated when there is one available for mch but they couldn’t answer why my mch is still running on 2019 firmware.