I just got a WD TV Live Hub and have it up and working with netflix, youtube etc… just fine. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to set it up with My MBP. I can see the WD TV in the finder window and drag and drop files but I dont necessarily move the files to the WD TV, I would like to just stream it. I set up a folder for my media, went to the file sharing menu, added the folder, turned on SMB sharing and still cannot get it to work. I’ve searched everywhere but cant find much information on what to do. I am a little confused as to why the system did not come with instructions on how to do set this up. Know myself though I probably just missed something. I am cennected to the network with a wireless usb adapter. Could anyone possibly help me out or point me in the direction of well…directions.
p.s. the WD TV won’t even pick up my mac as being something to get media from.
This this is SO not user friendly compared to any Mac product…
I am stuck like you…
Xavpil, I know what you mean.
Also I am not able to get it to work with a pc. My media folder is shared the workgroup is the same. Is there any kind of walk through available?
Roll back to firmware 1.02.21, there is no other solution to your problem.
I talked to support… Pretty lame but they had check the Syst Pref on my MBP. I had to make sure that the Public folder was avail - enable sharing and to be sure I allowed read/write (options)
I was able then to see this public folder… but no way to add another folder that i could see in the WDTV interface. Go figure… So I had to move my media to my public folder… **bleep**…