I installed MyCloud Home on my home LAN.
I want “my documents” to be on MyCloud so all family members can access their data from each pc/laptop at home. WD discovery seems to allow this by mapping the NAS to a drive letter. However:
(1) Not all family members are admins (nor do I want them to be). Non admins get “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device” prompt on logon. I’ve seen the option to reduce UAC safety, on https://support-en.wd.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/17881/kw/WD%20Discovery%20prompts%20for%20admin , but it misses the point (I want my pcto be protected when my kids use it)
(2) I want the drive letter assigned by WD discovery to be persistent, so I can count on having “My documents” on same location always.
It seems a simple network map (\MYCLOUD-xxxxxx) can only access a limited section on the drive.