Hey, I have been browsing the Forum for some time along with the Support site, how to map the WD My Cloud on Windows 10.
Sadly, none of it worked.
I wrote the \ along with either the IP Address or the name of the Cloud, all without luck
Windows returns with the error that connection could not be made to it, but I have access to the web panel (wdmycloud/) on the same PC
I found out, I could do it this way:
(The My Cloud was already connected to my PC)
Open Explorer,
Click on network,
Right click on the My Cloud and press Open
Then double click on one of the shares and enter the username and password
Hi, I tried that and several time and it would not open. I don’t know if a video would help. This strange because I had it on my network before doing and Windows 10 reset. I can see it on my network on my iMac and my wife’s machine.
Thank you for your information. I used the instructions that you describe in you post and it worked. My configuration is different. My “My Cloud” device is connected to my home network Linksys router via an ethernet port.