Mac, cycloid, ethernet usbc

Hello all,

Is it possible to connect a ethernet cable to a router from mycloud HD. Then another ethernet from router to Mac laptop, with an adapter from ethernet into usbc on the Mac laptop. And drag large files back and fourth Mac to mycloud ? Plus has anyone done this in person ? thanks

The My Cloud device is designed and intended to be connected directly to a router (or gateway or network switch) so the entire local network (including your Mac laptop) can access it. If your Mac laptop is connected to the same router either by WiFi or by Ethernet cable it should be able to access the My Cloud that is also connected to that router. Many, many people have used a Mac to access a My Cloud on their local network.

WD Support Knowledge Base Articles:
Steps to Setup a My Cloud OS 3 with the Dashboard
Steps to Setup and Use a My Cloud OS 5 in the Dashboard
How to Access and Map a My Cloud and My Cloud Home Network Drive on macOS

The My Cloud User Manuals have a chapter explaining how to setup a single bay/single drive My Cloud:
User Manual 4779-705147 (PDF) (P/N: WDBCTLxxxxxxx-10, FW 02.xx.xx)
User Manual 4779-705103 (PDF) (P/N: WDBCTLxxxxxxx-00, FW 04.xx.xx)

Please note that the My Cloud Home is not the same as a My Cloud. The My Cloud Home is an entirely different device with different setup instructions and a different operating system. If you have a My Cloud Home see the correct subforum for your device and see the correct WD product support page for your device.

thank you Bennor,

Has anyone on the site actually done the hardwire method with success using a Mac ? anyone out there can say yes or no ?

Only post I can find is
“I had the drive connected to my router, and was able to access the dashboard, but couldn’t connect to see any files. I don’t know how I could access the dashboard but not the files, but that is where I’m at.”

People generally do not come to a support forum and talk about something that works and isn’t having issues. If people were having trouble with Mac’s not accessing a My Cloud device there would be many posts about it.

Personally I can say definitively that yes you can use a Mac to access a My Cloud. Have a family member with a Mac laptop that accesses a first generation single bay My Cloud (OS3 V4.x firmware) that is connected to their network router. Their Mac laptop connects wirelessly (WiFi) to that same router. Because Apple as depreciated AFP one would typically use SMB to access a My Cloud. Example for Mac Finder:


If one has changed the name of their My Cloud to something else then they would replace “WDMYCLOUD” in the above example with their My Cloud name.

@dumpy2 Here is a link to the User Manual for the first generation WDMYCLOUD. Look at Appendix A and see if that helps.

Do you have your device set up for use on your home network?