it’s hooked up to its own surge protector. have been transferring a bunch of files(it’s now 95% full). when I see it getting slow and hot, I turn off the power. recently, I updated the firmware. I got a message that its completed. after which I turned it off.
turned it on for the first time since the update and its at the constant lavender/white color and won’t turn to blue. help?
When i restart it first comes to white that means is starting booting system but then comes to yellow flashing that means no connection. It was working before 2days and i have tried to use different cable also and changing ports to router. I forgot to say that i checked before this problem the ssh and ftp to on. Can you help with this problem?
Yes, will WD pay the cost of returning the item for a FAULTY 5 hours old cloud?
I mean what will cost more to WD,
a customer who thinks WD scammed him and spread the word on every possible forum, review, guide about this error,
or the customer who is satisfied with the customer support who send a new my cloud and take the old one back?
And anotther question, what will happen to the family pictures/videos what was on the drive? Can I format it with this white led error without reaching web UI?
Thanks for the suggestion, but I tried it many times, nothing helps, even tried pressing for 2-3 mins, and tried it 4 mins offline, so everything. This WD My Cloud is pretty much broken, maybe the HDD is working but I’m not sure about that.
In WD support there are funny guys, today they answered me after 3 days, and said they will REFUND the money, and I can BUY a new one, also I have to ship it back. I would not say it did not ■■■■ me off.
Simple math, everytime my bank change currency (because it is not in EUR), I loose 5% of the amount. That means I bought the item in EUR, I lost 5%, they refund me, I loose another 5%, I buy another one I will loose another 5%, and of course I have to pay 30 EUR for shipping cost, because this is the shipping price over 1KG. That is almost 60 eur, because WD can’t test its product properly.
The fun fact is I will get my money back (somehow), and I will tell everyone this situation if WD won’t send a new product by Monday. And since it is a pretty new product (they annunced 36 days ago and just started shipping to other countries), this thing can be a huge hit to the series (unstable, FW update can brick, etc etc) … and I have a lot of spare time, to help other people on other forums to make a good choice when they buy a new NAS.
Did you ever resolve your problem? How ? I have the same problem.
Any suggestions welcome. The 40 sec reset appears to do nothing - the lights dont even go off like a normal reset button does. also tried the 4 sec reset while live - no change just a white light
Did you ever resolve your problem? How ? I have the same problem.
Any suggestions welcome. The 40 sec reset appears to do nothing - the lights dont even go off like a normal reset button does. also tried the 4 sec reset while live - no change just a white light
Have you updated the firmware for the drive, yet? That should be fixed now.
Did you ever resolve your problem? How ? I have the same problem.
Any suggestions welcome. The 40 sec reset appears to do nothing - the lights dont even go off like a normal reset button does. also tried the 4 sec reset while live - no change just a white light
Have you updated the firmware for the drive, yet? That should be fixed now.
How does one update the firmware without access to the drive? The white light stays on and reset doesn’t work, at least in my case.