My cloud 3tb no connection

My cloud has no connection and the led is yellow flashing .i tried to reset it by pushing for 40 sec the reset button. I tried another cable. I turn off the power for 1 hour but nothing. My cloud is starting with white led and then comes to yellow flashing. Do you have any idea how i can turn it to factory settings. Is there any other way to fix it.

My cloud has no connection and the led is yellow flashing .i tried to reset it by pushing for 40 sec the reset button. I tried another cable. I turn off the power for 1 hour but nothing. My cloud is starting with white led and then comes to yellow flashing. Do you have any idea how i can turn it to factory settings. Is there any other way to fix it.

Try different ports on the switch/router. Make sure cable connection is secure.  Power cycle your My Cloud after  you finish the checking everything.  Look at the back of the unit and see if there is any LED where the ethernet cables are when you plug in the unit.

I checked there are 2 leds the firts is all the time on and the second is trying to connect but nothing. Some flash and stops

Has it ever worked? Are other devices on your Ethernet network working OK.

I tried different router port but nothing. All other devices are working perfect except mycloud.

I think tha the device has a booting problem because after the white led becomes to yellow. I opened the case and i take off the hdd. Then i turn on the device and the light stays white and is not coming the yellow led.i thing i must flash the device to factory firmware. Can anyone help with this? What format i must make to hdd fat32 ntfs or something else? Then i need a program to put on hdd to boot?

I think you have gone further when you should have. The mycloud is a new device so if you have major problems you simply return it under warranty and get another one.

pelefant12 wrote:
i thing i must flash the device to factory firmware. Can anyone help with this? What format i must make to hdd fat32 ntfs or something else? Then i need a program to put on hdd to boot?

You can’t “reflash” the firmware because the My Cloud doesn’t have flash.  The O/S is on the HD.

Can you help me to reflash it. Mycloud comes to white led and not booting. Do you know if i open the case and take off the hdd in what format i must format it? And then where i can find the files to flash it and fix it?

I think that the real problem is on hdd and not on connection. I opened carefully the case of the cloud and put it to another external case. My computer doesht recognize it on windows but only on mac. It asked for formatting it because i cant use it. First i format it on macos journaled and then i format it on windows 7 on exfat. What format i must use? I forgot to tell you that before formatting hdd the led was flashing yellow and know stays white only after put power on cloud.someone can tell us how to fix these devices?

pelefant12 wrote:
I think that the real problem is on hdd and not on connection… My computer doesht recognize it on windows but only on mac. 

That’s no surprise.   Windows doesn’t support any of the partition types used by Linux.

How can i format it to work? Which utility i can use to format it to linux as you said?

You cannot reformat it, you will have to return / exchange for another unit.  You can try a system restore first and see if that gets you anywhere.  Unplug the power from  My Cloud, hold the reset, and plug power back in while continuing to hold the reset for 40 seconds.