Flashing white LED no connection

I recently moved something around in my house, I had to disconnect my MyCloud device and now it just has the flashing white LED light. I took it into work and had IT check it out, and it worked just fine, they told me to reinstall the software. So today I came home and reinstalled the software and plugged the hard drive back in, but I am getting the same issue. I have switched ports several times thinking it that could be it, but nothing. Please help.

Re-installed what software?
What OS are you running on your PC?
Do you have U-Verse as a ISP?
Can you see the My Cloud in your router?
Was your My Cloud originally setup using a Static IP?
Did you power down the My Cloud through the Dashboard before disconnecting?

It seems that if it worked at work, and you have changed things at home, then your problem lies with what you have changed. Not knowing what you did is almost impossible for anyone to give you help.

Have you tried a different ethernet cable?

If it’s working okay at work, then the device is working, and the problem lies with your home network; either the router, or the cables.

Are you sure the flashing light is white, and not yellow? What are the LEDs on the Ethernet connector on the back of the MyCloud doing?

If it worked fine when you took it in to work with you, meaning a solid blue light came on in the front, why would you want to change anything?

As others have said, how long have you had your WD My Cloud and do you know what Version you have?