Just got a Duo and am immediately dissapointed

I just bought a Duo storage device to replace my older IX2 NAS. Really dissapointed seeing that it REQUIRES an internet connection. I don’t recall seeing that listed on the site selling it, otherwise I would have looked elsewhere. I just want network drives that I can drop the data to for backup. I don’t want or need a live internet connection for the device, just more of a security risk. I don’t want to have to sign in to WD whatever dot com just to get to my data. I wish you (WD) would learn that not everyone likes to share all of their stuff with you corporations. I just need a simple device to back up my WORK and PHOTOS!

If someone knows of a way to set this up as a simple network drive please let me know, that’s all that I want or need.

you did not buy a nas, you got a Home product. Return the Home Duo and get a NAS from EX or PR series.

That is what I am planning on doing, Just not fond of being led to believe that it was more of a NAS than what it actually is.

lol yeah, same here. I actually thought I bought a NAS with some cloud capabilities (that I was not going to use). Silly me.
No access to anything without dedicated applications being downloaded through other dedicated applications, even on a PC. Ridiculous.

I’ll sleep on it and see if I’m fine with barring the device from accessing the internet and just use the public folder.

seeing that the EX2 is being recommended all over the forum and cheaper, this flaming pile of garbage is going back to where it came from.