Is it possible to make a share accessible to anyone

I am planning on purchasing a Mycloud drive with it’s main purpose being to share pictures with a large amount of family. I was wondering if there was a method to make a folder public so anyone with a link (or any other method) can access it.

Start by reading the My Cloud User Manual (http://www.wdc.coam/wdproducts/library/?id=439&type=25) to gain an understanding of what the My Cloud is and its features. Also see the My Cloud Learning Center ( to learn more about the My Cloud.

By default there is already one Public folder configured out of the box on the My Cloud. There is no official way to configure that one public folder to private.

One can, through the My Cloud Dashboard (the user interface to configure the My Cloud), configure a Share (a top level folder) for either Public or Private access. When set to Private one can then configure the User level access (Full Access, Read Access, No Access) to that Share. When a Share is set to Public anyone who can access the My Cloud will be able to read and write files to that Share.

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