Index update in progress (again!)


I own a My Cloud EX2 Ultra.
It has always been on OS5. It went through the first very long indexing some times ago. Even twice since I had been told to restore it to try solving a Time Machine issue (which turned out to be a bug, still unsolved)
It is fully up to date.

For some reasons, search is not working and it tells me that it is indexing again / update is on progress (see below in French).

How come? It’s a bit too ironic that when I need search, for once, I have again to wait for an update. This thing is always on.

Is something going wrong ?



I tried restarting the NAS to have the index checked.

After trying another search (4 words), the screen showed up again (after stating first that the NAS was offline). So it feels a little broken.

The fans are going crazy again. Like when first indexing. Will see.

Am I the only one getting this kind of behaviour?
Or am I the only one trying to use the search feature on the mobile or web app?
It happened again.
Very not user friendly.

Hi @AustinForest,

Please refer below link to check My Cloud OS 5: Indexing in Progress Message

Yes I did look, but the aforementioned messages appear after the index has been completed…

Hi @AustinForest,

I suggest please refer below link to help you with trouble shooting steps: