I have had my EX4 for about 24 hours now and ran into this same issue and found 2 causes and a solution to this issue.
After mutlitpe factory resets and reboots I’ve found these two things to cause the admin account to break.
Chaning the IP from DHCP to Static
Chaning the Server Name
Both of these issues will cause you to get user not authorized for almost everything you try.
The workaround to fix this issue is to:
Select the Users Tab
Select the Admin Account
Turn the Admin Password Off
Log back in with no password
Set the Admin password again.
This has resolved the issue for me, like I said I’ve only had this for about 24 hours and have not done a whole lot with it and these are the only known causes I’ve found so far.
I’ve Called WD Level 2 support and they remote connected to my computers and I’ve demonstrated this to them useing:
OSX 10.9.2 with Chrome Version 34.0.1847.131
Windows 8.1 with IE10 Version 10.0.9600.17107
The tech I spoke with at level 2 took logs from my server and stated he would get it over to the development team to look at.
So far after doing this I have not found anything else to cuase this other than chaning the IP address or Server name and so far everything else is working great.
If this works for you Please Star the post to make it easier for others to find.