Today I bought My Passport 1TB and inside the drive there are two files, one for Mac and one for Windows. I have Windows 10, 64 bit, and when I try to install WD Discovery from this file, this message is shown:
We are experiencing issues.
Please try again later.
I downloaded this small installer file from WD site but the same error.
How to install the applications?
I always denied info sharing before, but this version fails with the error you mentioned unless you click “Share Info” on the Product Improvement screen. You can disable it in the WD Discovery app after installation though.
Yes, I got answers from WD support with lots of attempts and delays.
Some agents did not understand me or did not want to admit that depending on the option chosen (Share or Not to Share Info) I may or may not install the application.
In the end one support agent told me what I expected. It is not necessary to install the application to use the drive. But if you want to install it, select the “Share Info” option as it does not send private information, but after installation you can disable it in the application. Or rather he told me, do not install WD Discovery at all because this application does not do any work other than do the installation of three other applications which are also not necessary. And it is better to install those three applications directly each one separately, from this link (for new models of My Passport):