Help with music

hi I have mac pc and trying to put all my music from iTunes to wd mycloud and create a library on it but when i copy or drag the music from iTunes the cds just get mixed up and all have trouble getting all the art work on there . the reason i want to do this is so i can play music from my iPad and send it to my Bose sound system can any one help please
my iPad is not big enough to hold the music and i do not want to leave pc on all the while

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I just copy the entire iTunes Media folder to the My Cloud, and everything is in order like in iTunes. There are other ways, but this is my preferred way.

Did you do it using a mac or windows and if mac could you tell me how to do it as new to apple mac but was ok with windows cheers

When it comes to moving files to an NAS like the My Cloud a search of the internet is your friend…

See my post in another thread on iTunes on how to move the media library to the My Cloud…

Do a search for Bose on this subforum to find several threads discussing the My Cloud use with certain Bose devices.

I did it on a win pc. I just found the iTunes Media folder and clicked COPY, then went to the Public folder and pasted it in where I wanted it. Easy.

I suppose you can use Finder to do same thing. BTW, good luck with a mac. Personally, I would never switch from a PC to a Mac, a win PC is just friendlier to other devices. Macs are too much of a closed system for my tastes, although the iOS phones and tablets I have I like.

Suggestion just do a test with an artist folder with a few albums in it. If it works OK, erase folder and then copy/paste the whole enchilada.

Thanks for help have copy iTunes folder got music, and some art work will read all help and try and sort it just turned 65 and trying to keep up lol

Artwork can be a problem, Art from my early CDs were missing at first until I figured out although they were in an iTunes artwork folder but not embedded. So embedded a few of my favorites etc. until I got bored, and said forget it, although with all new CDs added I embed the art. Music from my download service(NOT iTunes) comes with art embedded so it is all fine.

You can get around all this by transferring all of iTunes folders to the MC, but I prefer not to do that.

So, you turned 65, eh? Wait until you are 70 to collect SS payments if you haven’t already. You will have more $$ to spend, of course. Well, I hope you can catch up; but I am ahead of you in more than just age! LOL :wink:

have transfer iTunes folders to my wdcloud but how do embed the act work please cheers and thank to mike and all for help

I don’t have time to tell you tonight, but I can tell you where to find info. Look in the iTunes help. or google how to embed art in iTunes tracks, or something similar to that.

Got all art work on iTunes just when i put them on the cloud not all there but will check iTunes out again

iTunes tends to keep the album artwork separate from the music which is why one has to copy over ALL the folders in the main iTunes media library folder to the My Cloud not just the music folder.

Copy main folder over and has artwork and other files on it shows one cover out of 20 CDs . plays music thought also the CDs I put over start from the last song in the album