Help using MyCloud

Hi, new user and member here.

I really would like some advice please if a certain feature is available on using the MyCLoud 2TB device.

I have installed the device and uploaded media files that I can view using the windows file explorer as per below:

I am connected to my home network which is the same as what the MyCloud is connected to.

What I want to do is be able to view the files and folders in this format on another PC when I am at my girlfriends house on her network. Is this possible? I don’t really want to use the MyCloud app or web client.

If this is not possible, how can I make a playlist that plays on VLC, media player or the MyCloud Windows app that streams from the MyCloud device?

I hope this makes sense?

Not officially, no; WD removed remote mapping some time ago.

Unofficially, search the forums for Nazar78’s WebDAV.

Also check out his build of the BubbleUPnP Server, which provides remote access to the DLNA server.

Yes, you need to read the User Manual if you have not. Use this link and scroll down and choose the User Manual for your version of My Cloud, 2.x or 4.x.

Thank you so much for your reply. After some reading it does appear this used to be a feature but it was taken away. Ridiculous,

I think the apache server etc is a little bit beyond my skill levels so i’m resigned to using the WD windows app.

So, how can I create a video playlist that I can just click on and it will begin playing the video files in a playlist please?

Well, there is a great way to have access to all the videos and music you’re stored on your MyCloud; get yourself an IPTV box (I recommend MAG254 because it’s a Linux box) and you will have full access to all your files on your big screen TV - PLUS you will have world-wide TV and on-demand as well. A win/win situation.
