Help Restoring data files from My Passport

I had to restore my desktop today due to a networking issue on a Windows 7 Dell 9040.
Before wiping the hard drive I made sure to have a good backup on my Passport.
After installing the WD software, I can see the data and know its there, but the restore option is not available.
The best I can understand, I must first create a backup schedule and perform a backup before I can restore my data. I am afraid if I do that, my previous backup, with all the data files will be erased.
Can anyone help me. I can’t seem to find a phone number for WD
Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi there, what backup software did you use, WD Smartware or WD Backup? Below are links for instructions on how to restore previous backups. I have also provided a link for WD’s support contact information.

Thank you so much!
This is very helpful.
Bless You!

Mark Fullington