Gentoo Linux on MyCloud


Have anybody any experience with installing Gentoo Linux on MyCloud?

Link to distribution:

The My Cloud isn’t like a standard PC where you can swap OS’s. The hardware on the My Cloud typically requires packages/drivers/modules specifically compiled for it. There is a huge discussion on trying to get other “firmwares” to run on My Cloud devices mostly with very limited success (see following link). It often takes a lot of massaging to even get the alternate OS to run and when it does there are usually limitations and issues.

Some Debian packages may be found at an archive another person created for My Cloud devices:

Rather than spend hours to days trying to massage a alternate OS onto the very limited second generation single bay My Cloud, one may want to investigate building their own DIY NAS from old computer equipment and the hard drive extracted from the My Cloud. Plenty of “how-to” guides on building a NAS can be found in a cursory internet search.

sur mycloud , non _ gentoo n’est pas a la porté d’un user debutant _ mais comme il est dit plus haut et de partout sur le web , les outils sont en general livrés pour un materiel en vue d’une compatibilité - vous devriez le savoir si vous etiez un utilisateur de linux - c’est le b.a.b.a.