G-RAID 2: Will not Rebuild

I use the G-RAID 2 with the three Ultrastar drives as a backup for my computer system. Two of the Ultrastar drives are contained in the G-RAID enclosure set to RAID 1. The third Ultrastar drive is kept off site and rotated into the G-Raid enclosure every quarter.

Rebuild Operation:
When the third Ultrastar drive is retrieved from my offsite location, one of the two drives is removed from the enclosure and the third drive is installed. Following directions from the Western Digital Manual, the G-RAID with Thunderbolt Configurator is opened to proceed with the rebuild of the newly inserted drive.

  • Disk Management indicated that the G-Drive (G:) shows normal condition.
  • The G-RAID Configurator correctly indicates a “Degraded” status because the newly inserted disk needs to be “Rebuild”
  • Clicking on “Rebuild”, pop up windows (as normal) warn that data will be erased from the target rebuild disk.
  • Clicking on “OK” the Configurator shows “Rebuilding” (temporarily).
  • The top bay LED BLUE light and the bottom bay LED RED light turn PURPLE (which indicates a normal rebuild operation).
  • Then the rebuild operation FAILS and the top bay LED light turns RED and the bottom bay LED light turns BLUE.

The three Ultrastar disks have been thoroughly virus checked and test normal. Unless there is some sort of reset procedure for the G-RAID 2 enclosure I believe that it has failed.



Hi @GreyEagle06
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the SD Technical Support team for best assistance and troubleshooting:


Yes, a support case has been opened: Case #: 8041319 | Reference #: 240402-000371


You might want to get a USB-C box or 3 to be able to use discrete disks for backups and redundant copies etc, large capacity disks can hold a lot of zip backups