Firmware WD GEN2 When will it be?

WD Competents…

4 Months is not PUBLICATION firmware.

WHY was such a long time …

OTHER BRAND CONTINUOUS Media Player Firmware publish…

Unfortunately, I WAIT FOR 4 MONTHS is WD GEN2 …

What was new firmware my expectations?

  1. From the Options button at the BAS REMOTE CONTROL  ZOOM, Slow Play, to access the SUBTITLE OPTIONS AND AUDIO.
  4. Supporting the resolution to 1920X1200 … (mostly WMV)

Dear developers!
Answer please, when will firmware for the Gen2? Or you no longer support your product?

Yes, you make new firmware for LIVE, why is not and for Gen1 and 2, I buy gen2 because I dont need lan on my player, why you dont tell us that this versions will be not supported??? Make something. I need a original firmware for my gen2, there is not issue with MP4 files, where it is??

and so… WHEN???

  • fix audio sync issue

  • left/right keys of Remote control for prev/next chapters (in MKV for example)

We are working on a release for Gen 2.  It’s on its way even now.


We are working on a release for Gen 2. It’s on its way even now.

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Thank you … We look forward … I hope defects have been corrected.

Thank You too, but seems like this firmware have a looooong way ahead.

Bill_S wrote:

We are working on a release for Gen 2.  It’s on its way even now.

It’s a shame that this response has become such a rare novelty by WD, but it is a very grateful response none-the-less. I’m not sure that Bill_S realises the impact of his reply, but to know that WD are listening (and reading their own “community” forum) is massively important to the confidence of their customers (the people who contribute large amounts of money collectively to purchase their products and assist in keeping WD one of the market leaders).

As I have already stated, this response is very warmly received, but I do think the WD developers (or community managers) need to participate a little bit more within their own community. I certainly don’t expect them to answer every single technical question or suggestion as that is understandably unrealistic, but just a small contribution such as this restores such a massive amount of confidence back to the people who deserve it (the loyal consumer… us )

If you are listening WD (or reading this) I think you need to realise the importance of a tiny amount of communication with your buying public. I myself have already looked elsewhere for an alternative product due to the poor support and response from WD, something I may not have done had I thought there was more effort to support their own product.

I very much look forward to the next firmware upgrade to the WD HD TV Gen.2. I understand that there are a lot of long overdue bug fixes and improvements to be made, but I am optimistic that these will be fulfilled to some degree.

Thank you for your response to this post, at least we all now know that someone is listening…

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I have WDTV Gen2 and two weeks ago bought WDTVLive. Your products I like, but very much that you are actively correcting errors, optimized, and added new features to the firmware. And most importantly: to continue to support your products, do not leave your customer alone with the problems of your products.

Thank you!

We are waiting for new firmware.
Let’s make WDTV best player.

Does anyone know if there is a way to directly influence what bugs will be fixed in the next firmware update? Maybe this is more a question for someone from WD. The reason I bring this up is because it would be a real shame if there were very simple bugs that could be fixed but aren’t…leaving us with another 5 or 6 months to deal with the issues ourselves. For example, .srt files aren’t seen by the file manager which means I can move the movie, but no the subtitles. This would be a simple fix but like I said, it would be a real shame if the next update didn’t include these simple fixes.

I’m not talking new features here and I’m not even talking bigger fixes like audio/video sync issues, I’m talking about the little bugs that make this thing rougher around the edges than it should be. I’m sure others can come up with more examples.

its on his way…

from where…


Is there any chance that the recent Live firmware upgrade can be adapted to the WDTV  (minus the live only stuff) so BD’s can now have subtitles?

Count the date of the firmware will give managers a good idea but …

If you do not give up this job and I’m thinking of selling t WD Gen 2…

As I mentioned above, many things are missing BECAUSE DA.