Firmware update problem

Hi everyone anyone can help me or advise me how to update the firmware it suppose to update automatically but some how it’s not and currently at 7.16 but the latest one is 9.4 their anything I can try to update

Restart. Wait 24h-48h. And let us know… and support.


I have two MCHs now, having acquired another one just last week. Both sported 7.16.0-220.

Instructions will tell you to restart/reboot your MCH and that will trigger an automatic update within 24hrs.

After daily failed attempts last week, I decided to simplify my approach and shut down my older/original MCH.

I enabled UPnP in my router, re-cabled my new MCH directly to the router and rebooted my MCH. Next morning I found that the new “94” firmware had been installed.

Since then I have, daily, been trying to duplicate the success on my original MCH. So far, no joy.

I shall try one more time tonight and if that fails I will be contacting WD Support for help.

Good Luck!

Why not read some of the instructions in the forum and the knowledge base and from those who had read the debug_logs which recorded the history of past firmware updates for the My Cloud Home?

Seven (7) days is usually what you have to look forward to if the device had just updated to 7.16.0-220 - assuming it is left connected

Hi I tried to download the debug logs but it’s not downloading too

That’s the KB article: My Cloud Home Firmware Update Instructions

Ayup, those are the “Instructions” to which I referred. Sounds like they should say 168 hours rather than 24. :wink:

That 7day info is very welcome, though. Thank you, NoPlex!

I have manage to download the debug log it shows that I m attaching it let me know please

Also my connection to Plex was busted after the update… Its incredible how a company can screw the whole purpose of a device in just one update… Definitely will ask for a refund with this horrible Mycloud home…