Firmware 2.41.116 for Gen-2 appears to be "OS-5" - what's the deal?

Use the forum search feature, magnifying glass icon upper right, and search through the OS5 subforums. PLENTY of discussion on the various issues and problems with those devices that support OS5. Further there are several discussion in the OS5 subforum on how to roll back to OS3 firmware.

OS5 Subforums

User of the second gen single bay My Cloud always have the option of using one of the unbrick methods to roll back to the OS3 firmware. For example:

Couple of discussions on OS5 that are in this My Cloud OS3 subforum (again found using forum search).

And if one checks the WD Support Knowledgebase articles they’ll find a number of articles and issues related to OS5:

My Cloud OS 5: Feature Differences Between My Cloud OS 3 and My Cloud OS 5

My Cloud OS 5: How to Update From My Cloud OS 3

My Cloud OS 5: Online User Guide and Solutions

My Cloud OS 3 to My Cloud OS 5 FAQ

My Cloud OS 5: Firmware Availability and Supported Devices

Much more in the Knowledgebase:

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