Files not backing up

The whole reason I bought this item was to provide a continuous backup of my most important items - 6,789 Photos (I’m a photographer).

I started the backup yesterday lunchtime, it quickly started to give the error ‘file pending backup’ in the ‘View Files’ window. I’m currently at 119.95gb backed up out of 213.34gb. With 439 files not backed up.

From looking through this forum I read that this is a known issue with files that are larger than 50mb - most, if not all, of mine are!

So, a couple of questions please…

If I uninstall the WD Smartware, will I still have access to the drive via My Cloud?
I want to remove the items it has backed up & start again - how do I do this?
In Explorer, it will not let me access the My Cloud drive, clicking it tells me I don’t have permission to access this drive & to click Security tab, when I do it shows ‘Properties’ but no Security tab.

Any help appreciated. TIA


There’s a dedicated WD SmartWare share within your WD My Cloud. You are able to delete all content inside.

Try changing the permissions within the unit’s Dashboard admin page in order to ensure your user does have access, or change permissions to public. Your NAS’s permissions are independent from Windows.

Thank you very much for your reply, Trancer, I’m very new to this (as you can tell :blush: ) & appreciate your help.

With regards to the permissions issue: I’ve removed the user & setup a new one with full read/write access to the share so hopefully that’ll work better, I don’t think I did it right in the beginning in my eagerness to lock-down security!

I’m in need of an automatic backup or sync program, is the WD Sync any good or can ppl recommend other things please?

Thanks again for your help.