Hello. I have a problem with the disks. In the panel login, says: “Insert the disks”
The disks are into the wd my cloud. I can´t make nothing. The blue leds are off.
What happen?
Was it working before? Has it had any physical movement (been picked up and relocated for example) or any hard knocks?
It sounds like maybe the drives have become unseated and disconnected, or in the worst case there’s been a hardware failure in the chassis unit and it can no longer connect with the disks inside it.
You could try opening the enclosure and removing/reinserting the disks and see if that helps (power off first just to be sure, then try it and see if it helps on power-on) and if not it’s one to contact WD support about.
Details on how to open the unit and replace the drives are in section12 of the manual (page 132 onwards). If you don’t have a copy to hand, you can download it here in English, or here for the full language list (as I see your error message isn’t in English). .