I am not sure I would buy anymore WD products based upon their email sharing features.
This feature is important to me because I share large photo collections.
Trying to place about 15 museum .jpg photos that are in a folder in the Public Shared Pictures MyCloud drive for sharing via email.
First Issue:
When trying to drag and drop the folder from my desktop onto the Wd.com, the photos moved not the folder.
So it seems you can not drag folders via your browser (Mac Firefox) directly to the MyCloud.com Public shared.
So I deleted the photos and drag and dropped the folder directly into the drive not using the web interface.
When trying to email the folder link to my clients, Clients with Android Devices could not see the photos. They are asked to log into the MyCloud web site. Of course they were not going to do that.
Ones with Mac’s no issue folder displayed.
Email and sharing is a mess with this product.
Always had been for a long time.
Why don’t they fix this.
Also the desktop WD My Cloud App does not work, generates bad email links.
Comments, tried to call WD but they are clueless about their products.