DX4000 - Storage Bad issues - help requested

Hi - hoping someone can help.

I have a Sentinel which has 4 x 2TB drives configured in a RAID5. I had replaced one of the drives and had to adjust the whitelist as it was a little different but it had been working just fine for a few years.

More recently, it stopped working - possibly after a software update. I tried going through the recovery process and had to re-add the whitelist to the xml files on the bootable USB stick. It gets to the point where, on the LCD, it says “Loading Recovery” and then “Initializing Recovery” and then I get the “storage bad” message.

The foot of the logs seems to suggest that one of the drives is not part of the RAID which seems a little weird - struggling to interpret the logs properly and this board won’t allow me to upload a txt file as I am a “new user” - however, the foot of the log says this…

******************** Driver Version Check DISABLED ********************
2,“WDC WD2002FYPS-02W3B”,“WD-WCAVY7434893”,“04.01G0”,0,“Normal”,3907029168,4367,“ArrayMember”
3,“WDC WD2003FYPS-27W9B”,“WD-WCAVY4936394”,“04.05G0”,-1,“Offline”,3907029168,3907029168,“OfflineArrayMember”
4,“WDC WD2002FYPS-02W3B”,“WD-WCAVY7411469”,“04.01G0”,0,“Failed”,3907029168,4367,“ArrayMember”
5,“WDC WD2002FYPS-02W3B”,“WD-WCAVY6847347”,“04.02G0”,0,“Failed”,3907029168,4367,“ArrayMember”

2020.04.26 09:25:33 - INFO - RaidCfg64 detected 4 drives
2020.04.26 09:25:33 - INFO - RaidCfg64 drive WD-WCAVY4936394: port=3
2020.04.26 09:25:33 - INFO - RaidCfg64 drive WD-WCAVY6847347: port=5
2020.04.26 09:25:33 - INFO - RaidCfg64 drive WD-WCAVY7411469: port=4
2020.04.26 09:25:33 - INFO - RaidCfg64 drive WD-WCAVY7434893: port=2
2020.04.26 09:25:33 - INFO - RAID volume status is ‘FAILED’!
2020.04.26 09:25:33 - INFO - Matched drive 1 serial WD-WCAVY4936394 model WDC WD2003FYPS-27W9B0 with white list entry Enterprise Storage 2 TB
2020.04.26 09:25:33 - INFO - Matched drive 3 serial WD-WCAVY6847347 model WDC WD2002FYPS-02W3B0 with white list entry Enterprise Storage 2 TB
2020.04.26 09:25:33 - INFO - Matched drive 2 serial WD-WCAVY7411469 model WDC WD2002FYPS-02W3B1 with white list entry Enterprise Storage 2 TB
2020.04.26 09:25:33 - INFO - Matched drive 0 serial WD-WCAVY7434893 model WDC WD2002FYPS-02W3B1 with white list entry Enterprise Storage 2 TB
2020.04.26 09:25:33 - WARN - Drive ‘WD-WCAVY4936394’ is not part of the RAID!
2020.04.26 09:25:33 - INFO - Checking RAID status (2): Volume Does Not Contain All Valid Drives
2020.04.26 09:25:34 - ERROR - Volume is not in good state, please re-create it
2020.04.26 09:25:35 - INFO - =========== Recovery app END (5) ===========

I would prefer to try and keep my data but I think I have most of it elsewhere so I am also ok with recreating if thats necessary.

Can anyone here help me understand what is going on and how might it be remedied?


I am pretty sure you have to edit the whitelist in two places. look for post from @DTMtech I think. He is the drive expert :slight_smile:

As far as I can see there are is an inconsistency in the drives as I see one WD2003FYPS-27W9B0 (the one which cause the error) among three WD2002FYPS-02W3B0 drives. And by chance this is the drive which cause the error in the logfile.

all the drives look recognized, so they are in the whitelist - there is however a drive different from the other three which might give troubles