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OK, I’ve copied the old firmware files from that link you’ve attached to a FAT32 flash stick.
I’ve turned on the WDTV Live, inserted the stick into the USB - where is the NEW FIRMWARE option? Ths hasn’t appeared. Have I done something wrong here?
I really want to rollback to the earlier firmware, as now half of my Mp4s are for some reason been recognized as music, and I have NO clue why!
I had a few folders with mp4 and jpg files in them. They all wound up in music instead of videos. Deleting the jpgs solved it and they weren’t needed anyway.
I followed these instructions. All files were on the USB drive at the root, nothing else. The New Firmware button appeared. I did the firmware update. At the end it said the firmware was incomplete, contact support. It then hung on the WD screen. I restarted it… now it is bricked… won’t boot - comes the screen that says Insert a USB drive with firmware to recover your WDTV. When I try inserting the USB drive - it does nothing.
Edit: after using YouTube app, box is just as Laggy and unusable until restart.
Sorry. Recommendation rescinded. **bleep** thing better get fixed soon.
Edit2: it’s actually much worse. Completely locks the box up after exiting YouTube leanback. Have to unplug the box and reconnect.
Well, i as experiencing problems with firmware 2.02.32 but downgrading to 2.01.86 game me the same problems…
The WD TV is a piece o junk… sorry to say. I’ve *lost* 3 days of my life dealing with this unit and i cannot say good things about it. It tries to do MORE than it can handle, and does it in a very unwanted way.
Best just stick a USB pen in it and pray that it can play the videos without a glitch. THAT’S IT! I will never want anything more from this unit.
Downgrade to 2.01.86 from 2.02.32 firmware is working for me on WD TV Live WDBHG70000NBK-01 version, no freezing and the USB external hard drive can be recognized by WD TV Live. Thank you for this information. Make sure once downgrade the 2.01.86 is completed, set the “Setup > System > Auto Detect New Firmware > Off”.
Updated - 11/25/2015 - WDTV Live Mod
Added an internal Fan to the WDTV Live as shown (3 images). I used the Noctua NF-A4x10 FLX (12V), blowing downward and it is keep the unit so COOL and very quiet fan. You will need to drill 1.5 inch hole for this fan.
Internal View - not pretty but functional - I couldn’t find on which wires to connect so that it would come on only if the unit is on, but well it is keeping the unit cool all the time since I have it on 24/7.
Thank you very much. This hint is very helpful. It worked right away. I still don´t understand why WD is not willing do provide an update to their own product line. Or is it a message: dont´t rely on us and don´t by products from us?
Kind regards from Austria.
Has Western Digital stopped offering the 2.02.32 firmware for the Gen3? When I checked their website, I see all the old firmwares up to 2.01.86. When I checked for new firmware from the device, it downloaded 2.02.32.
I know this was asked a while ago but just incase anyone else is wondering you need to:
Go to Settings then System then scroll down to Auto Detect New Firmware and switch it on if its off BEFORE restarting and inserting your USB. That’s when New Firmware appears.