Does the 2014 Western Digital WD TV allow movie previews in Youtube

I have an old WD Live and a few months back it stopped allowing me to watch movie trailers after an update, just wondering if the latest model now allows it?


No, Youtube trailers don’t work

This is the error message

Flixster trailers do work

Tested this on Firmware 1.02.17 … the Old Youtube app no longer works, but Youtube Leanback app does work (term used loosely) … so, i can only assume the “Trailer” feature used the Old Youtube app, and thus is broken. (and looks like it will never be fixed)

So, your only choice is to use “Flixster” on the WDTV … or a XBMC/Kodi device (eg. Raspberry Pi 2) … Youtube trailers work perfectly :smiley:

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I forgot about Flixter, i was sure Flixter just directed you to youtube, anyway thanks for that. I might as well keep my old Live if that’s the case, temperamental  as it is it still does the job.