Device doesn't recognize WD supported Software Eg. Wd Discovery

Formatted my WD Elements 1TB hard drive as i had used it for other devices before and plugged it into my laptop, installed all the softwares like WD security and WD discovery. The applications dont even notive a wd device connected and asks for a WD drive to be connected. I know its an authentic WD drive cuz i literally threw away the packaging it came in a few days ago and i can see the logo on the drive and all the serial numbers line up as well. Someone help cuz i just wanna set a password, yes the usb ports work i have my mouse keyboard other drives and USB’s connected all the times on all 4 usb ports and im able to transfer things into the drive but its not recognized as a WD supported drive. ONLY THE WD DASHBOARD REGISTERS IT.

Hi @khalidwalid
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

just submitted one, waiting for response