I pretty much leave my MBL to its own devices and use it to store files for access from all our gadgets. It occassionally fell off the network and was tad busy disk-wise but generally behaved itself.
Until something happened a few days ago.
Couldn’t get into it and it showed up as a mysterious device on the My Cloud app.
So attached it to PC and SSH’d into it for the first time. Eventually realised the /DataVolume wasn’t mounted. It mounts with a mount command and I can see my shares. However, it won’t mount on a reboot and I get the “Initializing device…” message.
All the usual manual firmware upgrade fixes seem to fail with the same issue - when any of the scripts run I get a shower of messages saying “/etc/system.conf: line nnn: xxx: command not found” where nnn is a line number and xxx another number. I was expecting /etc/system.conf to be a text file but it’s a mess of odd characters as per a binary file? Is it corrupt?
How can I sort this file out if I can’t run any of the .sh scripts to to do restores/updates? That’s assuming it’s the culprit, of course - if it is, would a vanilla system.conf solve it (from latest firmware) and how on earth do I get one?
I’m familiar with UNIX, and thereby Linux, so I can get around and issue commands but I won’t modify anything for fear of making things worse. The partitions seem to be OK.
Any suggestions most welcome - I don’t think it’s terminal (there must be a joke there somewhere…).