Hi All,
I really hope someone can help, I am freaking out slightly. MyBook Live Duo that i’ve had for a decent while won’t boot up. It seemed to fall off the network a few times recently, and had to reboot through the admin web page. Then today it didnt come back. I left it for an hour or so, then turned it off and on. Still didn’t come back.
Have followed some advice here, I installed Linux Reader, plugged drive A into a PC, and the large partition where i’m assuming the data should be is /CacheVolume. But it is totally blank. Got disk B, exactly the same. Blank.
I always thought I was covered having a RAID 1 setup. Whatever happened, it was the safest place for my data, as I have two copies.
Anyone else had this - please tell me it is just Linux Reader not being able to read it, and there is some other way of getting my data.
I noticed there was an advisory from WD saying a vulnerability could allow a hacker to factory reset the device and wipe your data. I really hope it isn’t that!! The free recovery offer has ended.
I really hope someone can help. Thanks in advance.