I have 10 large files (each one around 30-40gb) on my WDMyCloud - i need to copy those files to an external USB HD drive (FAT) connected to the WDMyCloud.
Solution’s that i’ve tried
Copying via Finder/Explorer - is useless, takes ages
Copying via FTP isn’t allowed because of partition error (FileZilla error code - 451 Rename/move failure: Invalid cross-device link)
Copying via SFTP/SSH has a 4Gb limitation
What do i have to do to copy/transfer large files to my USD HD quickly?
And the fastest way to transfer large files from MyCloud to USB is to connect the HDD to the PC, using a gigabit ethernet network to access the MyCloud.
It’s strange because my other mac-formatted FAT disk allows copying of files larger than 4 gb (through finder).
Tried formatting it to exFat - mycloud just doesn’t recognise it.
Connecting via ethernet cable seems to be a very inconvenient option, thank you anyway.
MyCloud seems to have more limitations than i have thought of before purchasing the disk.
You bought a NAS; a network attached storage device. Of course it connects via ethernet. It’s not a USB HDD.
The FAT 4GB limit is not a limitation of the MyCloud. It is a fundamental, well-known limit of the FAT file system. If your Mac supports files larger than 4GB, it must be doing something cunning to split a file into 4GB chunks. That’s not a standard FAT operation, so is unsupported on other FAT-compliant devices.
It’s easy to find out which file systems are supported via the MyCloud’s USB; read the user manual, or do the obvious google search that takes a few seconds:
Actually copying from the Ethernet to your USB hd connected via USB3 is faster than trying to copy from the Cloud directly to the USB. The port at the back of the Cloud has a speed limiter of between 30 to 40MB/s write max. I have no idea why but it could be a limit of the cloud USB or the Cloud cpus. Although this test was done way back in 2014 and things could have changed with gen2, but I doubt it. WD uses the minimum hardware in their devices and in fact with gen2 they even remove the ability of the LEDs to blink (software blink now) vs hardware LED blinking.
You should get between 60-120 MB/s transfer on your PC given that you have a USB 3 connection and a gigabit ethernet. The USB3 write on your USB WD drive should be in the range of 60-120MB/s. The read speed of your Cloud should be in the neighborhood of 60-80MB/s reads. Thus the combined speed should be as mentioned.
I’m no Mac user but did you reconfirm that the file is not corrupted or its size does exceed 4GB? I once overlooked the FAT partition format and even though all the large files were copied successfully, they were corrupted.
Eventually I removed the corrupted files and converted the USB drive to NTFS (On Windows it’s easy convert drive_letter: /fs:ntfs, if you see errors remove the corrupted files prior, for Mac there should be some free apps), it copies faster around 60MB/s on the MyCloud from Windows due to the performance of Paragon NTFS kernel module.
Why is it inconvenient for a network attached storage device (NAS) to be connected by Ethernet cable to the local network?
Did you think, or expect, you were buying an external USB or external wireless hard drive and not an NAS drive? If so the single bay/single drive My Cloud may not suit your needs, expectations or desires.