I can’t see the my cloud ex2 ultra in the drop down menu above.
I have existing NAS mycloudex2ultra.
I have just installed a new router and nowcant connect to the NAS.
How do I connect to it?
I can’t see the my cloud ex2 ultra in the drop down menu above.
I have existing NAS mycloudex2ultra.
I have just installed a new router and nowcant connect to the NAS.
How do I connect to it?
When you set up your new router did you give your bands the same user name and passwords as the old one had? If you made everything on the new router the same as what was on the old one, you should not have had any problems.
Example image from my router. Click on, tap, or activate image to enlarge it.
Does the NAS have a fixed IP address in the NAS configuration? And if it does. . .is that in the IP range the new router is using? (if not. . . adjust accordingly).
If you accessing by typing in the “device name” and not the IP address. . . .IIRC, note that glorious WD uses DDNS lookup for name resolution. It may take a few hours for the system to catch up if the IP addresses are all different.
Does the EX2Ultra have a blue light (actually, 3 blue lights) lit up?
Can you find the device in the IP address table of the router? (google to find out how to see what devices are connected to the router)
Pics show where I can and cant access.
How to Access and Map a WD Network Drive on Windows 11 and Windows 10
How to Access and Map a My Cloud and My Cloud Home Network Drive on macOS
myclouex2ultra shows on network and in my storage on windows pc. How do I access t?