Has anyone managed to send a video from a iCloud Weston digital to the TV set which has a chrome cast attached to the TV?
If so how do you manage this please?
Items in use here are Weston digital iCloud ipad , chrome cast and a Tv (not desk top )
Has anyone managed to send a video from a iCloud Weston digital to the TV set which has a chrome cast attached to the TV?
If so how do you manage this please?
Items in use here are Weston digital iCloud ipad , chrome cast and a Tv (not desk top )
Again, you will need an app for that. One that supports Google’s Chromecast in the iThing.
The MyCloud is largely incidental in all of this…
Have you done an internet search for how to use the Chomecast with the My Cloud? There are several videos (below) that should appear at the top/near the top of your search results list.
As the previous poster indicated you need an app on your iPad that can “cast” the media to the Chomecast. Check the Apple Apps Store for a list of Cromecast casting apps.
Yes thanks I did look at the videos before yesterday, but as I can cast from iPad to chromecast to Tv no issues, the video URL you kindly sent said IOS doesent support chromecast see screen grab.
Leaving me confused as to weather you can cast from WD iCloud to Tv using an iPad with app installed as I have not been able to do this, but have been casting directing YouTube no issues with chromecast past 4 years.
These two images my help resolve one is a screen grab from the video, notice icon blurred for casting , second image no icon.
Just a thought i am casting video from WD iCloud to chromecast, the device phone tablet just pointing to a file, or is the WD iCloud casting to phone, tablet then casting to chromecast in the normal way?
While the WD My Cloud app for iOS may not support casting to a Cromecast OTHER iOS apps do.
You need to search the iOS app store for file managers or DLNA clients that support casting to the Chromecast. As indicated above by cpt_paranoia the My Cloud is incidental to your problem. Your problem is with finding an app on iOS that can access an NAS device or DLNA media server and which can cast to the Chromecast device.
The image and content does suggest you can provided you have the little or few codecs supported by app in WD for app IOS - My expertise no cannot make it happen in the codecs from the app as no support is offered for the IOS side, if you have an android phone tablet i like to hear if it worked straight away no issues ?
Feed back welcome from I.T from WD perhaps the one who wrote the page would step in and offer guidance please.
This is a classic case of making a mountain out of a molehill. It is real easy to play media from an iPad or iPhone to a Chromecast/TV using media files stored on a My Cloud (even from PCs, and drives attached to them )from a properly configured network. How do I know this? Because I do it most every day
You also don’t need instructional videos from YT or anywhere and all the screen shots you posted to clutter up a simple question. So, sit back and I will tell you how to do it. Yes, like others told you, you need the proper app on iPad/Phone that can integrate with the Chromecast that includes the casting icon.
The main app I use is named File Browser and another program from same app maker called Music Streamer. I love using both of these, since I also have Google Home and the music app is great for it, too.
You can learn all you need to learn from visiting the maker;s website at www.stratospherix.com Now, go install File Browser and start casting you media!
Hi Mike I disagree with your statements, if you took the time to read, i point out that WD say they support this casting, where as you and other are saying need to go and buy an app to support WD for casting.
In other words your saying go and spend money and buy an app to do the job which WD should have implemented in the app as per the screen grab the ones that so clutter up for you it seems, but for others reading when they find the same issue will actually be of help to them.
I have not found on this WD forum any place where it says sorry we do not cast as we not thought about this how about you go off and find an app that works and oh lets us know.
It suggest really bad thinking of a product not thought through, as per screen grab WD on their own site “Chromecast not working with my cloud app”
Notice WD does not say oh go and buy this app or other, it actually say they support … i guess you did not read that due to the clutter of images.
Bottom line if you bought a product such as shoes i expect shoe laces to be included not go home and try and work it out to be told oh you need to go and purchase this yourself, looking at it this way. Be honest with your self would you go and do that?
Question are you a person working for WD or just a friendly user of the WD icloud ?
We are all users here like you, although sometimes WD Staff help here once in a while and their name shows they are staff.
If paying six bucks for an excellent app is against your religion even though the iPad costs a few hundred bucks, so be it. I am sorry I decided to assist such an ungrateful and hopelessly clueless user such as you. Forgive me.
Maybe instead of being POed at WD for not having a free app for Chromecast, you should be really upset with Apple for selling you a tablet that doesn’t do much of anything unless you put apps on it. No further comments to you.
Meanwhile I will continue to enjoy my media files with the apps I recommended.
First we, those replying to your posts currently, are just users like yourself we are not employed by or paid by WD. We came here for one reason or another and have stayed to assist others.
I do not think I’ve seen you mention it yet but is the iPad or iOS device connected via Wifi to the same local network as the My Cloud? Or put another way are you accessing a REMOTE My Cloud located on another network?
As the following WD Support Knowledgebase article indicates. If you do not see the “cast” icon then you need to check to make sure the device is on the same local network as the My Cloud. I’d go one step further and check that both the iOS device and the My Cloud are using the same IP address subnet. For example 192.168.1.x.
The bottom line is that there are any number of ways using a file manger app and video player app (some possibly free, others paid) to cast media from a NAS drive like the My Cloud without using the NAS vendor app (in this case WD’s My Cloud Mobile App).
I think I see where some confusion is coming from. Correct me if I have this wrong: ONLY the Android version of My Cloud App has Chromecast feature, but the iOS version does not for whatever reason known only to WD.
Since I only use the iOS My Cloud app I have never seen a Chromecast icon in my iOS app. If it is there, it is well hidden!
The support link you gave does not mention the app they are referring to is the Android version, so I see how the OP got confused by WD mentioning Chromecast but he doesn’t see it in his iPad app…
If this is all true, then not having a Chromcast feature in My Cloud iOS app when the Android app does, is a gross oversight of WD. Why is this left out of the iOS app? WD should fix this, for sure.
Don’t know. Nothing is mentioned in either WD knowledgebase article that reference Chromecast about which mobile OS they are talking about. I don’t have access to an iOS device at the moment to test with. Apple is generally a walled garden in most respects with their products, so it wouldn’t surprise me if either WD (by agreement with Apple) or Apple themselves blocked or limited the casting capability with certain iOS apps.
The OP could try using File Browser (https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/filebrowser-access-files-on/id364738545?mt=8) which will/should allow them to access the My Cloud and open or copy media. From there they should be able to cast (from the video player app if it supports casting) to Chromecast.
Casting from the iPad itself shouldn’t be a problem:
Thanks, but what I was hoping you would confirm is that the MC app for Android phone and tablets DOES have the casting icon/ability, which I believe I had heard it does. I also had strongly recommended the iOS File Browser app to OP…
The OP had nothing to say other than is cost money and he didn’t like that. Well, guess what? A lousy six bucks for an app of it’s quality is a bargain, and considering it can be on multiple devices like a phone and iPad and new ones you get forever ,it is basically free! What a cheapskate! Someone spends hundreds of dollars on an iPad and then balks at an app that costs six bucks – I don’t get it.
I just upgraded my (2012) Gen3 iPad this week to the new basic iPad 2017 model and installed FB on it right away – no charge. BTW, the 2017 model is a significant upgrade from my Gen3…
If anyone reading this is interested, Costco is selling them at $40 less until Aug 27; it’s where I got mine for $359 + tax. (Apple Store wants $429)
1: WD do not support as they say on the tin any IOS casting it is left out.
2: Options buy an app to remedy this issue of misleading statement casting to TV using WD icloud.
3: Return unit to shop and go look for alternative.
Stages of work through.
Asked question has anyone managed to IOS to chromecast using WD on forum here (also asked any update for IOS 11 - No replays so far)
Answer came back buy an app to resolve issues that WD really should be looking into.
(Did buy app, file browser as suggested by another user, thank you, Mike wake up read the posts)
Upon using the app file browser it all looked very good, however then came the issues of moving files around.
For people on here for now and future reading while in IOS the app from WD is very out of date, your not see icons to display jepgs .mov etc.
File structure limited and no re naming of master folders.
So file browser app actually really good at displaying the files in a way like OSX looking in finder, this helps as you can navigate around with ease.
Now the down sides
1: Point of buying a WD was to take files from my HD to my iPad Pro as desk top had passed away.
Also be able to move files from WD icloud to an USB drive plugged into the WD icloud.
2: WD icloud appeared to fit the bill in the shop they said your be able to drag and drop the files from a WD icloud onto the external USB drive, really I asked and chromecast as well , this is all my problems resolved.
Thank you shop from whom i bought this WD icloud from.
In realality (again Mike read prev posts) i played a video and using file browser to cast to the Tv through chrome cast, this all worked fine, however the video would hang every 20 mins or so.
Try a few others video’s same appears HD tad too hard for the WD or file browser maybe ?
I only say that as air video an app i use generally, iis on an iPod 4th gen that’s like 2010 and it handles that ok no hanging stuttering HD video streaming from a desk top to TV by wi fi. Also can scrub back and fourth, play around with screen sizes and so on, none of this is in WD or file browser.
I moved a file from the external USB and put it on to the WD iCloud Drive did a download and then went to move it back to the other drive the external one which is a WD drive, not WD icloud just a book stand WD I have had for a few years.
Came back for error, see screen grab, also note the time involved to do an export send etc of the file, first it will calculate and then give you a time, here 2 gig’s about 23 mins and then you can then send it over, so give it 30 mins or so to move a file from WD icloud to an USB drive plugged into the WD icloud.
Now that’s what I call drag and wait, not drag and drop, it too painful slow, on the WD icloud app for IOS just forget it not happen.
Last point I spent all this time and research to resolve the issues in place by WD product that simply does not perform, I also gone and bought apps to remedy the issues with the app software used in IOS for WD none have achieved much other than a learning curve and time spent.
I would like other users if you have time to do some states, take a file 2 gigs (not many files just one lump) transfer from an external USB drive plugged into the back of the WD icloud see how long it takes using the WD appp to transfer, then bring it back again and see how long.
Do this with IOS and Adroid and post results.
The Android version of the My Cloud app does have the Chromecast icon and does cast to a Chromecast device…
Edit to add: Here is Bubbleupnp casting from the My Cloud to a Chromecast.
Hanging video has more to do with your home network/wireless quality than the FB app. I play m4v movie files and they do not hang.
Thanks. Bennor. I have the Amazon version of bubble upnp on my Kindle Fire HD tablets, but I do not recall it having a chromecast feature. I will have to check the Kindles.